MGTD06 Jan - Apr 2013
Marketing in the 
Information Age
A 4th year undergraduate course at 
University of Toronto at Scarborough 

updated 2013 Feb 13

Prof. W. Tim G. Richardson CONTACT
bb course textbook

The methods through which products are typically advertised, distributed, ordered, accounted for, designed and tested are, since the late 1990’s, undergoing the greatest change in the history of Marketing. While the core tenets of Marketing theory will be applicable to the new world of electronic business, the ways by which actual business is accomplished will change. The competitiveness of firms will depend on how they can successfully address these changes and incorporate the new understandings.

The course begins with a grounding in the
o Benefits to organizations that use  e-Commerce
o Benefits to consumers that use e-Commerce
o Benefits to society (when consumers and  business use e-Commerce)
o Limitations of e-Commerce (e-Business)
o Technical Limitations
o Nontechnical Limitations

Reference is continually made to marketing in the information age in the context of how basic marketing fundamentals are challenged: such as the “Environments”. Understanding, and applying reasoning, as to how the rapid changes in these environments influence marketing in the information age,  is a key learning objective.
o Political and Legal Environment
o Sociocultural Environment
o Technological Environment
o Economic Environment
o Competitive Environment

There is also considerable discussion of what an organization needs to do to be successful. Various “units” will be studied such as
“Things to be convincing about”
“Do’s and Don’ts”

Objectives: The main objective of the course is to become conversant with the implications and implementations of internet related changes on business. Students are taught how to understand and reason about a variety of topics which all have fast moving time lines and involve a strong degree of personal investment in monitoring current media (newspapers and online sources). The primary way this experience will be gained is by critiquing the Web sites of particular companies in the context of the traditional marketing principles. We try to understand which principles stand and which have to be amended as the technological environment and the economic and competitive environment create circumstances in which companies heretofore never faced.

Course Format: The information will be delivered in weekly lectures based on assigned chapters from a chosen textbook and additional articles (online and offline) and URLs (web sites). Class sessions will rely on asking questions of the students to build understanding of the key topics and identify key points in traditional marketing theory and how it is applied or changed in the context of the Internet. Students will be involved in both individual activities as well as group projects. Course grades will be based on a quiz to determine how the participants are grasping the material at the beginning of the term followed by a mid-term exam. There will be extensive preparation for a large final project which will be done in group format and hosted on a web page.


There is no mandatory text in 2011, 2012 or 2013

IT Requirements:

Since success in this course requires regularly accessing the WWW, it is necessary that you have easy access to a computer which has a modem, internet account etc. Specific recommendations will be reviewed in class. Whether you use Office 97, or Office 2000 is not critical. Your browser can be Internet Explorer or Netscape, but, make sure you have the latest version which will allow you to view java script and java applets, flash,

Cases: There will be one graded case study which you will do in a group. Specific instructions will be handed out in class, as well as available on the professor’s website.

Grading Structure:

Described in detail at

Honor Code: All students are expected to behave ethically. Unethical behavior includes failing to attribute outside sources or breach of copyright standards in the compilation of assignments and projects. “Cutting and Pasting” text from web sites, without footnoting, or otherwise providing attribution, will be deemed unethical.

Explanation of Grading and Assignment Descriptions:


This Case Study is worth 25% of the final mark and due in the last class.

The assignment is designed in such a way that one should, as you attend the lectures, and go through the web site, collect information which will be used in this assignment. You should be working on this assignment from the first class and try to gather, as you go along, all the information you will need so that when you write the assignment in November, you will have covered all the required points.

This assignment can be done as an individual, or as a group. The maximum number of persons in a group is 3. There cannot be 4 group members or more since experience shows this is too difficult for group members to set meeting times and work effectively and equally on completing the tasks.

If there is more than one person working on this assignment, it is necessary (obviously) that you include all the group members names on the cover page. Furthermore, if you do this assignment as a group you should verify that each group member contributed equally and, as far as it might be possible, identify which group member provided particular information/activity to completing the assignment.

1. Pick a Case
2. Read the Case and search for additional information, online and offline, web which would help you
understand the context and scenario of the Case. If it serves your purpose, you can add to the background information of the case scenario (just make sure you explain what the additional background is when you write out your answers)
3. Write the answers to the questions for the Case
4. Hand the Case in , in class 3rd week in November
5. The assignment will be typed on paper and handed in as a text document. It will not be emailed or produced online.
6. There will be no time extensions for this assignment
This Case Study assignment must be done on time in order to be marked in time for the end of term.
Extensions will be granted only for a student who has an "extreme" personal medical situation - of which verification must be provided

Questions to be dealt with by the Case Study
1. How could an e-business solution change the competitiveness of the organization?
2. What components of an e-business solution, are most relevant to use to further the business and marketing objectives of this company?  (this is not a simple question and your answer should be quite long and broken down into sub-sections)
3. Identify, and explain some of the barriers or challenges that might exist in developing an e-business solution for this company?

 Course Topics in Detail:
see for the most up-to-date version
Section A Section B Section C Section D
Interdisciplinary nature
The 5(6) Environments

4 P's - 6 E's YouTube VIDEO
(watch on your own as a reminder)
Advantages/Disadvantages of e-commerce
(did Jan 10)
(covered on Test 1)
video intro to the unit

YouTube Video
"Who" is E-commerce
- understanding customers
- e-commerce stats
(noted (did Jan 10)
- mkt research
women online (by SNRG)
(mentioned Jan 10)
- CDN - U.S. comparisons
- CDN Internet use growth
- Organizations ? Assoc
- dos and don'ts
(read on your own)
--things to be convincing
(did Jan 17 and Jan 24)
(covered on Test 1)
(covered uo to.... shipping
- read the rest on your own

YouTube Video
"convincing"-audio clip
- CLV (Velvet Rope)
(read on your own Jan 17)
- failures
(did Jan 24)
(covered on Test 1)


(noted  Jan 24 in the context of extremely cold weather)
Strategy and Planning
(for Jan 24)
GOPST (in class exercise)
o Goal
o Objectives
o Plans
o Strategies
o Tactics
SWOT analysis in GOPST

(watch this video on your own)

- Strategies
- Business Models
( )

- Channel conflict
- Cannibalization

Co-creation Business Model
see UTSC's 
 o Maggie Peng, Jack Tai

( mentioned )
(to discuss )
B2B business 2 business
. Supplier Oriented
. Buyer Oriented
. Intermediary Oriented 
  o B2B models powerpoint
B2BExchanges by Sector
Promotional Mix Online
 (for Feb 7)
o Mass Selling
Banner ads(for Feb 7)
Online Branding(for Feb 7)
Viral Marketing (by KHNK)
(noted Jan 24, did Feb 7)
o Sales Promotion
o Personal Selling
New Technologies 
(to discuss Feb 7)
  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
 oHaptic Technology and "Surface Computing"
  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Podcasting (by Satish)
  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
o Q R (Matrix) Codes
Domain Names  (Feb 14)
o marketing strategies
o registering a domain
o domain scams
o domain phishing
o domain hacking
o domain disputes
o domain Verisign issues

Domain Name Videos

 (Feb 14)
Video 1  intro
Video 2 registration / hosting
Video 3  TLDs
Video 4  mktg strategies
Video 6  hacking


Place: Location Considerations
intro 2 m-Commerce ()
Mobile ?  Wireless
business using WWW
M-commerce ? GPS()


GPS explained to MGTD06 at UTSC
(view on your own)

M-commerce Killer Ap()
location determinant()
location indeterminant

M-technology Bluetooth()
M-commerce internationally
RFID - location technology()
Search Engines  
(Dev Basu former D06 TA guest speaker Mar 14th)

o issues
o SEO Search-ranking.htm
o Video 2009 Part 1 
(SEO algorithm explained Jan 24)
(view before Mar 14th)
o Video 2009 Part 2 
(view before Mar 14th)

o Video 2012-Part 1 
(view before Mar 14th)
o Video 2012-Part 2
(view before Mar 14th)

Risk and Threat Assessment
Risk and Threat for I.T.
o Intro - fundamentals
(important to read thoroughly)
o Types of attacks
o Internal Risk & Threats
o Third Party Risks 
o Outsourcing Risks
o Privacy Issues
o Privacy Violations
o Identity Theft
(the ID theft page includes many interesting student videos)

o Deterrence .
o Countermeasures
o email filtering

Security Strategies 
(read as many of these, thoroughly, as you can)
o Encryption
o Viruses
o Scams 
o DNS Attacks
o Spyware
o Firewalls
o Patches - video
o Hackers
o Social Engineering 
o Honey Pots
Global Digital Marketing
with guest speaker
Pranya Yamin
UTSC Grad 2010

CRM CustomerRelationship
Online Communities
(read this and work into your case)

Mobile Marketing
(read on your own)
read  "Dialing Into Mobile Marketing"
Measuring Marketing
Effectiveness.htm(by JoRi)
guest speaker 2010
John Florinis
Sr. Mgr, Strategy
Moneris Solutions

e-Payment Systems
o PayPal

PayPal video by Neda 2010

o credit card fraud
o M-Payment Systems
Online Shipping (by Adil ? Chagpar)
Online Gaming (by Ng)
guest speaker 2010 
Social Networking with 
Rahil Sondhi
Holiday shopping online

making sure the prof knows your name

Presentation Tips

Jan 10th 2013
Jan 17
Jan 24

2009 TA comments on Test 1

Jan 24
Jan 31 TEST 1 
(no class taught after the test Jan 31 - prof sick)
Feb 7
Feb 14
Feb 17 - 23 break week
Feb 28
Mar 7 Mar - Dev Basu guest speaker
- SEO ranking

Mar 14 MID TERM 
- date to be discussed
09:00 - 10:55


Mar 21 - project presentations
Mar 28 - project presentations

CASE STUDY report DUE last day of classes for the term - i will pick it up in our last class time slot April 4th


.. Mandatory in the 2005 Sept term 

Publisher: Thomson Nelson   ISBN 0-17-642455-5
Author: Tim Richardson 

Available in the UTSC campus bookstore 
in the first week of September 2005

