MRK 460 - Global Marketing and Business |
Video Assignment
due February 2023 |
witiger.com/senecacollege/MRK460/assignmentMRK460-2023.htm |
Group Project,
Final Report
due April 2023 |
Group Project
Final Report a written report submitted on a word.doc witiger.com/senecacollege/MRK460/MRK460-what-to-do.htm
The WRITTEN REPORT is for me to know that you learned some things in the course about international business and marketing and can apply those concepts to a real company |
Group Project,
Final Video
due April 2023 |
Project Final Video witiger.com/senecacollege/MRK460/MRK460-what-to-do.htm
The VIDEO is so that you can share what you learned with the other students in the class (peer to peer learning) , and instead of just knowing about the "application" of what you learned to one company, you can learn how it applies so several companies - through viewing the different videos done by all the other groups |
Class Participation
calculated cummulatively from the first class in January through to the last class in April |
in the Zoom Sessions
Contributions to the Course Content and Comments on the YouTube videos |
Video Assignment
![]() |
Assignment (due Feb 2023) - for ALL sections
details ...MRK460/assignmentMRK460-2023.htm
FUNDAMENTAL understanding
of what we are doing here
Just finished a conversation
with a group that was slightly confused
They created a Powerpoint which they were going to use for their final group presentation video Basically each person did a video of them talking about each powerpoint slide, then combined those videos to one big video – which is, in a sense, their whole group presentation / video - THAT is the video you send to me – you do NOT need to send to me each powerpoint - Just imagine all group members are standing in front of the class, each, one by one talking about their part, and you have a video of all of them together - Which therefore allows the students to watch it and learn about the main point you learned about the company you did - So, the video to accompany your written report is NOT about everything in the written report – it is just a few things each group member speak about, that were interesting and useful that they learned - So
To understand this in simple
terms, just imagine the original way we did things before covid
3 then you are finished…you
A 20 min video scrolling down the course web page discussing all the things you should have in your final group project | ![]() |
Project Final Report
Global Business and Marketing Plan |
understanding of what we are doing here
- , then combined those videos to one big video – which is, in a sense, their whole group presentation / video - THAT is the video you send to me – you do NOT need to send to me each powerpoint - Just imagine all group members are standing in front of the class, each, one by one talking about their part, and you have a video of all of them together - Which therefore allows the students to watch it and learn about the main point you learned about the company you did - So, the video to accompany your written report is NOT about everything in the written report – it is just a few things each group member speak about, that were interesting and useful that they learned
To understand this in simple
terms, just imagine the original way we did things before covid
and Marketing Plan |
Basically, your
task is to pick a company involved in many aspects of Global Business and
Marketing and discuss what it does in the context
of what you have been learning in the course.
Before we begin, we need to review the basic parts of a Marketing Plan and a Business Plan Strictly speaking what you
are doing is NOT exactly a "Marketing Plan" as if you would do the target
maket segmentation, 4
P's etc. for a new product launch etc.., but you do go through most
of the components of a marketing plan, and the larger business plan.
A Marketing Plan is
looking at your marketing strategy, and adding in "when" you do things
in order.
and Marketing Plan Components |
1. Group Project
Final Report |
Global Business
and Marketing Plan Group Project Final Report
"The Big Assignment Worth Many Marks ! !" described in detail lower down on this page. This course is about Global
Marketing and Business.
Most of your work will be
discussing the company in the context of the topics you were taught in
the course, eg
And each company will have different topics in their report - for example, Tesla may have a lot about the "Technology Environment". Canada Goose may have a lot about "Social Cultural Environment" or Weather. Roots might have a lot about joint ventures or alliances...basically you need to read a lot about your company to "know" things worthy of discussing. The report will be a typical typed word.doc which you email to the professor a small part will include a narrative of how you were able to do the report by collaborating with your group members, did you meet in person, talk by phone, WhatsApp, Skype, use Google docs - describe how you "built" the report and who did what. |
"how long should the report be" |
Here is my detailed answer
witiger.com/senecacollege /MRK460/MRK460-what-to-do.htm |
2. Group Project Final
examples of very good previous Group Project Videos Canada Goose Aug 2022
Tesla April 2022
Fairmont Hotels Dec 2021
Adidas April 2021
Lululemon April 2021
In a "normal"
class in 4th or 5th semester in college you do a big project, AND, you
typically do a presentation in class.
. We cannot do a class presentation so the "equivalent" will be for you to make a short video 8 - 12 min approximately, discussing the things you found which were the "most interesting and useful to know". You include the video file in the email you send when you submit your project report |
W. Tim G. Richardson ©