As Taught by Prof.
Tim Richardson
Detailed INB 524 Course Outline ©
covers classes between
July and August
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Video Sales Call Presentation
You and your partner will
alternate roles for a Video Sales Call presentation. The purpose of this
situation is to give you, as close as possible, a real-life experience
selling a product - then, because it is video taped, your professor can
go over it with you and give you some additional advice and pointers.
In this situation you will
be selling a product or service to a buyer (played by your friend).
What do you do?
1. Set-up
Obtain a blank VHS tape
Beg, borrow, rent a video camera
find a place to do the taping
where you have good lighting and make sure the microphone works well
2. Do the interview
record yourself selling to your
record your partner selling
to you
after you tape yourself, "watch
critique your performance and
be prepared to tell the professor your strengths and weaknesses
use the Presentation Evaluation
Form to do your critique
3. contact the professor
book a meeting time with the
professor so he can view the tape and mark you
it is extremely important that
you co-operate closely with your partner and make sure you keep meeting
it is extremely important that
when you make the appointment to meet the professor, that you are finished
your taping and prepared to discuss the Presentation Evaluation
time extensions
this late in the term will not be allowed for any reason