International Sales Interview
Observation considerations
basic information on the firm
name and title of the person
whom you spoke with
what is their personal background
in international sales
do they have specific sales
do they speak two or more languages
relevant to their export market
do they have any language or
cultural training
what are the personality traits
they feel are necessary to be successful in international sales
what markets do they export
are customers companies, government
agencies, associations, non-profit organizations
how do they do research on the
do they develop prospecting
lists for new customers
what tech resources do they
use to get prospect information
do they use any special technology
in their selling activities
eg. special presentation on
notebook computers
eg. special interactive web
do they have future export plans
to any countries they are not presently doing business with
what problems have they encountered
in exporting
language /translation problems
cultural/social/religious challenges
problems with cultural differences
in overseas subsidiaries (if they have them)
and problems with different
business customs
Is exporting better or worse
than selling to North American customers
more stress
more profit, less profit
do they have competition from
other Canadian/American exporters targeting the same market
what are your general impressions
of the company