Outline: BCS 555 (2002)



MRK 213, BCS 202, BCS 312 -or permission of the professor

Topic Outline

See below 

Modes of Instruction

A variety of instructional modes may be used, including, but not limited to: lectures, independent study, case analysis, class discussion, team and independent assignments or projects.

Prescribed Texts and Tutorials

e-Business & e-Commerce for Managers, Deitel, Deitel, Steinbuhler (2001), Prentice Hall

Reference Material

The following are examples of reference material that will assist you in this subject. 
  • Newspapers (online and printed versions)
  • Business periodicals (online and printed versions)

Promotion and Grading Policies

A+ 90% -100% 4.0
A 80% -  89% 4.0
B+ 75% -  79% 3.5
B 70% -  74% 3.0
C+ 65% -  69% 2.5
C 60% -  64% 2.0
D 55% -  59% 1.0
F   0% -  54% 0.0
  • Final Examination as a Requirement to Pass BCS 555
  • A minimum mark of "C" on the final examination is required to pass BCS 555

Mode of Evaluation 2002

see current  http://www.witiger.com/senecacollege/BCS555/grading555.htm 
Assignments / Case Study   40%
Other (Quizzes, Participation, etc.)   30%
Final Examination   30%
TOTAL 100%
Participation for a course dealing with current issues is defined as asking and answering useful questions which further  contribute to the subjects discussed in each part. To this end, it is strongly recommended, that participants  do indeed read the assigned chapters and WWW pages, so that questions may be asked and good exchanges and discussions take place. Contributions can also be made by identifying resources on the WWW that would be useful to the course.  These contributions can be made in the form of emailing the information to the professor. When making   such subsmissions, don't simply email the URL, go further and describe some reasons why the particular  site/article is relevant.  Class participation / contribution will be calculated on a per incident basis so students should  plan on trying  to have something useful to say, or contribute at least once every second or third class. 
As a business student you are expected to behave in a professional, business-like manner.  Evaluation methods and standards have been designed with this in mind to create an atmosphere similar to the "real world." 

Assignments, tests, etc. must be completed on or before the specified due date unless prior arrangements have been made with your Professor.  A late date is calculated fro the "Due In" date. 

A missed test, assignment, etc. will receive a grade of zero. 

Sloppiness, spelling and grammar errors weaken written work; all contribute to a lower grade. 

All written assignments must be word processed using a computer. Note:  It is your responsibility to keep a back-up copy of all your work for your records.  If you need to produce this and cannot, you will receive a grade of zero. 

Tim Richardson Room 4157 Ext. 6064 (2002 - 2006)

Detailed Subject Outline 2002

1 Sep 02 Introduction, benefits and limitations of e-Biz
2 Sep 09 Business Models, Domain Names, Hosting
3 Sep 16 Payments, Credit Cards, Connecting, DSL, ADSL
4 Sep 23 Intranets, Extranets
Test #1 - 10%
5 Oct 1 location determinant/location indeterminant
6 Oct 7 m-commerce
7 Oct 14 WAP, WML, Bluetooth, Killer applications
8 Oct 28 internet security issues, viruses, firewalls, hacking
7, 8
9 Nov 4 marketing, banner ads
8, 11
Test # 2 - 10%
10 Nov 11  search engines, legal issues, privacy
11 Nov 18 e-Learning
12 Nov 25 social issues, online entertainment
Case Study
13 Dec 02 online career services, HTML-Appendix D
14 Dec 09 -FINAL EXAMS- Covers the entire semester . Final Exam 30%

Note:  Chapter numbers indicated, refer to the "e-Business & e-Commerce for Managers" text 

 Students are responsible for reading the indicated chapters prior to attending class.

APPROVED BY:  _____________________________

Corinne Falconer, Chair
School of Marketing and e-Business
Last Updated: August 2002