updated 2010 Jan 22 working title
The Canadian Disaster Donations Portal
links to registered Canadian Aid Agencies accepting donations online
This website is built and maintained by the students of Seneca College, Canada
WHY There are many aid and donation driven organizations listed on the web - some are for relief and disaster efforts, some are for domestic women shelters, some are focused on a particular disease [like cancer] etc. This portal was created for Canadians to make donations online to the earthquake relief efforts in Haiti.
http://www.redcross.ca Canadian Red Cross
The Canadian Red Cross is a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent
Includes up-to-date info on what the Red Cross Int'l is doing in Haiti with donations.
accepts credit card donations for Haiti
. https://msf.donorportal.ca/MSFEN/Donation/DonationDetails.aspx?_L=en-CA/G=21/F=545/T=GENER
Students at Seneca@York Campus hosted ((AfterShock)) Jan 22nd 2010, a day-long event of music, entertainment and fundraising. Proceeds raised from ((AfterShock)) went to Doctors without Borders. 
Médecins Sans Frontières Canada 
Doctors Without Borders Canada
Affiliated with
Doctors Without Borders International
Jan 17th their website instructs viewers that their server is overloaded and they direct potential donors directly to their donation page
http://www.soschildrensvillages.ca SOS Children's Villages Canada
mmbr of SOS Children's Villages International - operating in more than 130 countries. Governor General Michaëlle Jean serves as the Patron of this organization
accepts credit card donations for Haiti
Since Jan 17th they have a team on-the-ground working in Haiti
- non-political, non-denominational
http://www.worldvision.ca World Vision Canada

associated with World Vision International in the U.S.  www.wvi.org
Faith-based organization working in Haiti for over 30 years
Donations accepted, and they clearly explain how many medical kits each dollar amount can purchase.
accepts credit card donations for Haiti

http://www.unicef.ca UNICEF Canada
(began in 1955)
UNICEF - United Nations Children’s Fund - began in 1946 by the United Nations
Funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments
accepts credit card donations for Haiti
They link to FaceBook and Twitter
http://www.savethechildren.ca/ Save The Children Canada
Originated in 1921 with the International Save the Children Alliance. Well known and has operated in more than 120 countries.
accepts credit card donations for Haiti
http://www.actioncontrelafaim.ca/ Action Against Hunger Canada
affiliated with Action Against Hunger International
donations accepted indirectly through
AAH teams have fully mobilized on the ground in Haiti.
http://www.oxfam.ca/ Oxfam Canada
affiliated with Oxfam International
accepts credit card donations for Haiti
the government's list of officially registered charities The Canadian government announced (Jan 14th 2010) that the government will match dollar-for-dollar any donations they make to registered Canadian charities to support humanitarian and recovery work in Haiti, up to a total of $50 million. 

In order for this matching to take place, and double the impact of your donation, donors may wish to check the website listing the government's list of officially registered charities.

This list comes from Canada Revenue Agency and is searchable by name.
There is also a list of revoked charities which may help some donars check to see if they are being scammed by an organization that is not legit.

All the agencies shown in the top half of this webpage, are  Registered Canadian charities accepting donations online for Haiti earthquake relief and rebuilding efforts.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvnQzf1ibPw Made by student Jacqueline K H-F in MRK619 at Seneca, posted midnight Sunday Jan 24th

A great overview of what happened, casulty numbers and selected images of the disaster

Canadian Portals devoted to serving Charities, Aid and Disaster Relief Organizations
http://www.thehumanitariancoalition.ca/ The Humanitarian Coalition
Canadian portal of CARE, Oxfam and Save the Children
portal developed by Justin Girard
can be followed on Facebook and Twitter
. http://www.cccc.org/ Canadian Council of Christian Charities
a member-based association of over 3,000 Canadian faith-based registered charities
not oriented to receiving donations for disasters
All this site does is link to the fed. gov't list or charities at Revenue Canada
domain name bought by
Chris Wasik, Burlington
http://www.canadahelps.org/ Canada Helps
Canadian portal
assesses a 3% transaction fee for the charities that receive donations through their portal
Their portal facilitates credit card donations to 7,000+ Canadian charities.
http://www.charityvillage.com www.charityvillage.com
Canadian portal
not oriented to receiving donations for disasters
Portal for news, jobs, resources, how-to articles, volunteer and event listings for people working in the non-profit sector. 
http://www.canadian-charities.com/ www.canadian-charities.com/Canadian portal
focused on selling ads to charities in their book listing Canadian charities
not oriented to receiving donations for disasters
partnership with RBC Dominion Securities

websites of other portals

http://www.internic.ca/ Domain name registration for the domain for this site 
was kindly donated by Internic.ca www.internic.ca
Web hosting for this site was kindly donated by Pathway Communications. www.pathcom.com


Disclaimer - It is intended that this site serves the purpose of helping Canadians have some simple information from which they can make online donations regarding the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti. The text on the site was written by Seneca College students and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Seneca College, nor its faculty and staff, nor the students as a whole. Links from the site to various websites, FaceBook pages, YouTube videos, MySpace and Twitter acounts etc. do not indicate endorsement of such content by the creators of this site.