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director of Internet search John Glick said links that come from link farms
are considered by his company to be spam, and if any site uses such links
excessively, it might be dropped altogether from AltaVista's listings.
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Part 1 of this two-part series detailed five ways companies can improve their position in search engine rankings, including URL submission, paid inclusion, content tailored for Web "spiders," a well thought-out page title and the nuances of META tags.
Note that none of these methods
is more valuable than the others, but in combination they can produce results.
Focusing on improving your site by addressing just one or two strategies
might not lead to measurable gains, but trying to address four or five
in concert should help you improve your search engine ranking.
Here are five more tactics
to add to your arsenal.
Convincing other high-quality
sites to link to yours also means people will be able to find your site
without going through a search engine. This can be advantageous because
the key objective is to get people to see your page -- and high rank in
a search engine is just one way of achieving this goal.
The process of obtaining
links from other sites may be difficult for a new domain, but if you give
other sites a valid, compelling reason to link to your URL, you increase
the chances that they will do so. Other than simple reciprocity, you could
offer to identify other sites with a brief paragraph. This willingness
to go the extra mile might endear you to a site that otherwise would turn
you down.
For example: "See bridges
www.bridge.com/eastbridges.htm," does not read as well as: "See bridges
www.bridge.com/eastbridges.htm for a thumbnail gallery of old and new bridges
across the rivers of Eastern Ontario. Some of the images are large enough
to use as decorative desktop wallpaper."
Obtaining inbound links
also can occur as a consequence of good customer relations: Companies can
request that customers with Web sites link to them. Also, if you have membership
in an industry association or chamber of commerce, you can request that
the organization's site provide a link to your firm's domain. Links in
from customers and industry associations are considered strongly in the
site-ranking calculation.
To find out if you are already
linked to by other sites, type into a search engine "link: www.yourdomain.com."
On the results page, the search engine will list all of the sites that
are linked to the URL you entered. Many of these pages may be internal
links (from your own site), but you may be surprised to find other sites
showing up as well. This process of checking who links to you is something
you may want to do on a regular basis. If the sites listed are of high
quality, you may want to contact them and offer to reciprocate, thereby
setting up two-way links and increasing your ranking the next time a spider
crawls through your pages.
If links in from other sites
are so valuable, can you increase your ranking by adding internal links
among your own pages? As John Glick, director of Internet search at AltaVista/Overture,
put it, "links in are a vote of confidence." AltaVista doesn't count internal
links because "it doesn't make sense to allow people to vote for themselves."
However, Glick said, internal links do have value for other purposes that
indirectly facilitate ranking. For example, links within your own pages
enable better navigation, so people who do find your site will end up visiting
more pages there. Internal links also allow spiders that find one of your
pages to subsequently find, catalog and index all of your other pages.
8. Focus on Reciprocity
Two-way links are more valued by search engines than one-way links that are not reciprocal. One thing managers need to consider, however, is the time that will be required to make contact with various organizations to set up such reciprocity.
For example, it might take
days or weeks to forge one reciprocal relationship, as a series of phones
calls and e-mails likely will need to be concluded. Because it is widely
understood that setting up reciprocal links is time consuming and involves
some degree of a relationship between two entities, search engines value
such links much more highly than simple one-way links in or out.
If you do not know many
online enterprises with which you could dialogue, you might consider paying
for the services of link exchanges and link farms. Some people consider
link exchanges useful -- but a number of others are critical of the value
of these services.
Michael Wong of www.mikes-marketing-tools.com
warns, "Never ever use links from link exchange sites and link farms."
In Wong's opinion, "link farms are networks of heavily cross-linked pages
on one or more Web sites, with the sole intention of improving the link
popularity of those pages and sites. Many of the top search engines consider
such links as spam, so stay clear of these types of links."
AltaVista's Glick confirms
that links that come from link farms are considered by his company to be
spam, and if any site uses such links excessively, it might be dropped
altogether from AltaVista's listings.
One way to verify your success
in attracting search engine spiders is by viewing your access logs. Most
of the major regional and national ISPs that offer site hosting
services provide various monitoring packages that allow customers to review
traffic-related information, such as access logs, number of daily hits
and bytes downloaded. A spider that has crawled through your site will
leave a record in the access logs.
"If you know what to look
for, you can tell when a spider has come to call," says Danny Sullivan,
editor of SearchEngineWatch.com. "That can save you worrying that you haven't
been visited. You can tell exactly what a robot has recorded or failed
to record."