- improving your ranking - before reading this unit, read see also and and and |
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this unit is
in the text
"Current Issues in Marketing in the Information Age, 2nd. Edition" on page 123 - 152 |
. | This page
used in the following courses taught by Prof. Richardson
Reasons why
this is important ![]() |
Before we begin
with "10 things you can do to increase the chance a Search Engine will
rank your web site higher ", let us first consider "4 reasons why you need
to understand why ranking in a Search Engine is important".
Firstly, people no longer type in expecting to get a hotel, they know they will get a travel industry portal. We understand now that people look for information using a search engine instead of typing in various URLs by chance. Secondly, the content on the Web (text, images and audio) is being created, and uploaded at a rate faster than the ability of the search engines to index this data, - as a consequence, it is getting more and more difficult to be “found” in a larger and larger mass of un-indexed and un-connected pages. If you don't rank well in a search engine, your site may not be found by searchers.
people are becoming impatient using search engines and are discouraged
when they see X00,000 returns on the three words they typed in. In order
for you to increase the chance of the viewer clicking on your site, you
want to be in the top 2 or 3 pages because most people will not take the
time to scroll further than that.
B2B and B2C customers are indeed using Search Engines to find vendors and
from the results of these searches they are buying. The “Canadian Inter@ctive
Reid Report”, produced by Ipsos-Reid,
reveals that a significant percentage of Canadians research online before
making a purchase decision. 43% of active internet users researched online
the purchase of a consumer electronics product before making the purchase;
36% air travel, and 27% an automobile. The conclusion one draws from so
many people using the web to research a purchase is that one should make
sure your offering can be positioned within the information these people
are accessing so you can have a chance to be the successful seller; the
best way to be in that position is for your site to rank high in the key
words that are being used in a search which fits the words describing your
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S.E.O. goes
Jackson quoted Richardson
It doesn't matter if you rank # 1 in the world for hardwood flooring, this is a D.I.Y. thing that is decided by people locally. All people want to know is what building centre can they drive to within 30 minutes to load up their SUV with the wood so they can get home soon, finish their kitchen renovation. Their partner will be happy, and they can get back to watching the hockey game and see the Leafs lose again. |
![]() 23 million results |
![]() local - 1 million results |
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Dev Basu's March
2016 SEO lecture to CCT 322 at University of Toronto, Mississauga Campus CCT332-2016-SEO-Lecture-Slideshare.pdf |
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Dev Basu's March
2011 SEO lecture to CCT 322 at University of Toronto, Mississauga Campus -universit-of-toronto-mississauga-lecture-2011 As a little bit of motivation for my current students, I insisted Dev let me take a pic of him with his new BMW, which is , in a way, some proof of his success in SEO as a UofT grad. |
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video of a conversation
between Prof. Tim Richardson and (now 2012) former USTC student Dev Basu
about SEO 2012 Part 1 covers
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SEO 2012
Richardson / Basu Part 2 covers
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Dev Basu's 2010
SEO presentation to UTSC
- a PowerPoint PDF'd |
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video of a conversation
between Prof. Tim Richardson and USTC student Dev Basu about SEO 2009 Part 1 covers
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SEO 2009
2 covers
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This web page has audio clips - just click on the icon (like the one to the left) and you can hear Prof. Richardson's voice adding additional information to topics on the page. | ![]() |
turn on your speakers to hear audio clips |
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the 2nd week of February 2008, Richardson was interviewed by Matt Hartley
of the Globe & Mail about Search Engine Google for an article
titled "Google's celebrity, not technology, keeps it No. 1". Richardson
explained why Google ranks as the No. 1 Search Engine and also provided
some tips as to how websites are ranked.
In the article, the main
points made by Richardson are discussed on the page
On this page
Richardson told Hartley that "Companies like Google, Microsoft and Yahoo closely guard the secrets of their search engine algorithms; however, there are some elements that are widely known to play a role in determining a site's ranking in any keyword search." In the article by Hartley, Richardson was quoted commenting about
(the title, and URL) |
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CB titled the article "Search-engine savvy: 10 tips on how to get your website noticed NOW" |
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November 2007 - 4 years after the initial article was written, it was considered
that some things need to be updated.
Prof. Richardson welcomed updates and contributions from students at Seneca College and University of Toronto and it happened that one UTSC student, Dev Basu knew quite a bit about SEO; therefore, in the 2nd week of November 2007 Dev's updated comments were woven in to the content below. Dev's huge site is |
The following
list has un-numbered bullets, instead of numbering – why? Because it is
useful to understand that few of these points are more valuable than the
other, but in combination they can produce results. Focusing on improving
your site by addressing one or two of these points might not produce measurable
results, but, trying to co-operatively address four or five of these points
will improve your ranking.
Proactively Submit the URL to a Search Engine
o Title: the title of the page o Paid Submission o Content o text / words o images o audio o META TAGS o Meta Description Tags and o Meta Key Word Tags o Links o Links In o Links Out o Two way links o Link Exchanges and Link Reciprocity |
o Frequency of updating o Traffic o Click Popularity o Understanding the Algorithm o UPC product code numbers o Blogs o Checking your index coverage o WAP Enabled o Analytical tools such as Google analytics |
Submit your URL | Proactively
Submit the URL to a Search Engine
URL means
Universal Resource Locator, it is the line in the browser window that begins
“http://www……”.The business model for many Search Engines is similar to
the Advertising based model that periodicals use – great content to attract
the viewer/reader and sell that demographic to advertisers. Therefore Search
Engines will obviously allow content producers to submit a URL since it
goes towards increasing the entire collection of indexed pages and further
contributes to the value of the collection which in turn attracts users
and leads to having a stronger demographic to sell to advertisers. While
this logic may seem obvious the leading Search Engines do not necessarily
make it easy to submit a URL and therefore there are a number of consulting
entities that facilitate submissions for fees.
Submit your URL | Proactively
Submit the URL to a Search Engine
For a small company, proactively submitting the URL, of several of your website pages, is a relatively easy process. The process usually begins with simply clicking on “submit URL” which can be found in one form or another on the right-hand side of the main page of the more popular Search Engines. Submitting your own URL is a little like writing your own story of how the Leafs game was and having it posted on the Toronto Star website along with hundreds of other fans’ postings. Submitting individual URLs to multiple Search Engines can be very time consuming so in a Darwinian way there has evolved some sites where you can click through a series of steps describing a particular web page and have that URL submitted to a number of sites simultaneously. Some sites provide multiple submission services for a fee, others do it for free based on the advertising they draw for the service. |
Submit your URL | Proactively
Submit the URL to a Search Engine
To follow the steps for submitting
a site, it is best to start from the "directory" section of Yahoo.
On a cautionary note, be suspicious of sites that claim to mass-submit your URL to many dozens or hundreds of Search Engines – there are less than 10 major Search Engines you care about being found in, the rest are highly specific to particular industry sectors and probably not relevant to your business. |
your URL
2007 UPDATE |
student, and SEO "student" Dev Basu adds
I used to do this [proactively submitting the URL] early on in my career,
I soon found a better tactic that will get you indexed a lot faster. Even
if you have a brand new site, all you need to do is get a respected site
(Google Page Rank 4+, ideally PR 6) to link to you. While this might seem
difficult, this is surprisingly easy to do and can be achieved using a
variety of methods – For example, many blogs have the ‘no nofollow’ attribute
for their comments section. All one would need to do is to make a comment,
leaving behind their website url and Google would index the site within
24 hours guaranteed."
suggestion is sort of like the recommendation for wannabe celebrities -
one way to get famous is hang around with famous people
- in
a similar way, one way to make sure you get listed is to have your URL
listed on well known sites
Dev says
here are some other ways to get indexed
things to improve your ranking in a search engine |
A page's title is often confused with its name. To clear things up, the page name is equivalent to the file name -- i.e., abcdefg.htm -- whereas the page title is the word or words that show up in a browser's title bar. The page title should be crafted carefully. AltaVista suggests it is what search engine users see first when they scan a list of query results, and Inktomi's Buchheim notes that it is not enough to rank high in a search engine. "You also have to ... be enticing enough to click." Indeed, enticement to click is based on both an attractively worded title and the accompanying description, which comes from the META description tags
Paid Submission | Paid Submission
Paddy Kamen in the Toronto
Star 2001 July 5th
Paid Submission | "Paid Submission:
Rather than wait for the search engines to find his or her site, the Web
site owner pays to have the site evaluated. There is usually no guarantee
of a listing with paid submission."
"Paid Inclusion: Normally a search engine will list only the home page of a Web site. With paid inclusion, the engine will delve more deeply into a site and list other pages in additional categories. This is also referred to as a "deep" listing and likely leads to more traffic to the site in question." "Paid Placement: This is a simple pay-for-position arrangement. Some of the links are placed at the top of the list and, in their case, referred to as "featured listings". (According to AltaVista public relations spokesperson Kristi Kaspar, "featured listings" will soon be referred to as "sponsored listings.")" "Content Deals: Ever wonder why a Barnes & Noble window always comes up with book titles on just the subject you're searching under when you're in the Yahoo search engine? That's a content deal. As another example go to Lycos and search under "depression". You'll see "read about depression" under the Popular Sites heading. The link takes you to WebMD's content." permission to quote from the Toronto Star given by the writer Paddy Kamen, (2001 and 2004) and by Joanne MacDonald (TORSTAR SYNDICATE SALES) in emails in 2004. Copies of emails kept on file in the permissions binder. |
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Time The longer your site has been up, the higher it will rank competitively due to two reasons 1. Search Engine software is having a hard time categorizing and indexing all the new web pages being built each day. The longer your site is up, the greater chance you will have been found by a search engine. 2. The longer your site has been up, the more chances that other sites will find content there that is of value, and link to it, or refer to it - which increases your link value, and increases your site ranking. |
to improve your ranking in a search engine
of Updating
to improve your ranking in a search engine
to improve your ranking in a search engine
Click Popularity
This is like saying "If your beautiful, people will say you are beautiful" - which means if you get a lot of clicks on your, that will help you get more clicks - duh ?? |
"Hey sir....after listening about fraud occuring on the internet, I decided to look a little further on my own. I searched "internet fraud india" in Google to see what kind of online fraud was happening in India. There were some interesting aritcles, but one that caught my attention did not focus on India alone, but addressed the issue of Click fraud as a global issue on the internet. The article foucusing on the US and how Google is affected by this fraud. It also reveals how click fraud is either automated or done manually (by humans). If people do not use online robots, "bots", they resort to employing low cost workers from China, India or other counrties to click on ads, and text links. It's an interesting article." Tardip is referring to a situation where companies pay people to sit at a computer connected to the web, and have them repeatedly click on a link - this repeated clicking will be registered such that Google's software will then give a higher score to that link and rank the content higher. This is being done by companies selling highly competitive products online where such activities can make a difference in the ability to rank high, and be found, and make a sale online. |
The article
found by Tardip was at on the CNET news site Stefanie Olsen, the author,
to improve your ranking in a search engine
Engine Algorithms
"The search engine algorithm is a complex mathematical formula used by the search engines which looks at key elements concerning a Web page (head tags, word density, word priority, links to the page and other factors) to rank any given Web page within the search results for a given query. What is important to understand is that every search engine has a unique algorithm and that these algorithms are constantly being reviewed and modified by the search engines to help prevent search engine spammers from getting listed and to ensure that the most important pages get ranked first. So a number one listing in Lycos doesn’t guarantee a number one listing in Google or any other search engine."
to improve your ranking in a search engine
how you place in the Search Engine Algorithms
You can't rank in a Search Engine if your pages aren't even indexed. Meaning people can't find your book in the library, if the librarian hasn't put it on the shelves. One of the most obvious things you want to do to check to see how will you are indexed in a Search Engine - meaning check to see how many of the pages on your site, are indexed in the files collected by the various Search Engines. You can do this checking quite simply go to Google
to improve your ranking in a search engine
2005, and more so in 2006, people are using their cell phones to search
the web. Having a web page thatis "friendly" to WAP enabled cell phone
users could give a company a competitive advantage at a time (early 2006)
when this is just "coming out" and early adopters may profit.
Since 2002 and 2003 people have used cell phones to look at web pages. This was not very exciting because the pages took a long time to load and the processing power of a cellphone cannot compete with a laptop computer. Actually searching the web
with a search engine did not become popular until Google created capabilities
to allow cell phone users to search listings that were WAP enabled.
Why is XHTML important?
"WAP is an acronym that stands
for Wireless Access Protocol, which is (on a very basic level) the technology
that a cellular phone uses to connect to the internet. There are several
WAP browsers."
WAP requires cellular airtime. Customers using WAP will be charged, in minutes of time spent on the wireless web, for data transfer on their phone bill. Therefore if you want people to look at the content on your page, make it short and to the point so that do not get ticked off about the air time they are using and cut the connection.AOL Launched a service in Dec 2005 that "...give users easy access to the AOL Search, Pinpoint Shopping and AOL Yellow Pages services. Now available via mobile browser at, the AOL Mobile Search Services let users search the Web, comparison shop for products and access local listings from their mobile phones, smartphones and PDAs...." You can also search Google
from your Cell Phone using SMS by text messaging
Product Code Numbers ![]() |
that sell physical products that contain product information on the packing,
such as UPC codes, should have those UPC code numbers on the web pages
on your site. So when some people search with the UPC code number, your
page describing the product can be found.
if you search Google with
the words
(Web Logs) |
Hi Sir, I wanted to share some useful information on Blogs and their impact on search engine rankings. I have some experience working as a Search Engine Optimizer for some clients and as online Marketing Coordinator for few companies. I have learned that Blogs have a huge impact on improving page-rank on search engines. Google puts a big emphasis on links from blogs. Their reasoning is based on the fact that if people are talking about your 'site' or 'service', then it must be good and worthy of being in a search engine. Blogs are also considered important because the content is updated more frequently than a typical website. There is a real person behind the blog and visitors are always interacting with the content as well by responding via comments, track backs and links. Google's emphasis is on 'real' content that serves some purpose to the visitor as opposed to commericalization of the content. |
(Web Logs) RSS feeds |
Most of the Blogs also feature RSS feeds that can be also embedded in other websites. The content is updated automatically all over the web when the main website is updated. For example, a portal that I have designed, (, we increased our page ranking and even traffic by including live RSS feeds for the visitors. It allows content to be syndicated on people's blogs, personal pages (, and even dedicated RSS readers. For eg, offers RSS 2.0 feeds from our portal for anyone who is interested in keeping up with the articles posted on LIVE basis. The real future of the world wide web is in the live linked content that puts emphasis on content vs commericalization. There is also a great site on SEO and Blogs, . Notice how they are using descriptive URLs to boost keyword ranking on Google and Yahoo. I have implemented the same strategy on my upcoming commerce site for Satellite Hardware ( as well and have noticed a positive impact on the Page Rank as well. I hope this at least steers someone interessted in SEO in the right direction. Regards, Bilal J |
(Web Logs) UPDATE 2007 |
student Dev says
" I agree wholeheartedly with Bilal from your UTM class regarding the SEO benefits of blogs. I’ve worked with clients such as Discovery Channel, HMV, BelAirDirect and Canadian Management Centre and all have benefited from the inherent SEO infrastructure that can be leveraged through a blog." "the free blogging platform Wordpress offers a versatile and robust architecture that is ideal for SEO. Key benefits of blogs include, customizable content structuring systems, blog pinging services, RSS feed syndication. I currently have around 13000 unique visits and 30,000 pageviews per month with 125+ RSS subscribers on my blog –" |
(Web Logs) UPDATE 2008 |
student Bilal emailed in Sept 2008 to say
" I ended up working as the Web Marketing Manager for IBM and it couldn't been without your support!" |
(Web Logs) UPDATE 2011 |
student Maciej (Majic) D. emailed in Jan 2011 to say
" I ended up working as the Web Marketing Manager for IBM and it couldn't been without your support!" I've gone through the SEO section and noticed the sub-section on blogs. I felt that an adequate explanation of trackbacks/pingbacks was missing. Trackbacks/Pingbacks are a powerful link building feature available by default in popular blogging platforms such as WordPress. A pingback occurs when an author publishes an article which contains a link to another post, typically on a external blog. The 'other' blog is automatically notified of this link (pingback), and if the admin/author/editor approves it, a linkback is added to the page which is being linked to. Typically, this link appears above, or below user comments, and is treated as a response to the post, known as a trackback. Keeping in mind that external links to your page(s) increase PageRank on Google (and other search engines), writing interesting and useful content, as well as building relationships with other bloggers can significantly boost PageRank through the use of this simple, yet powerful feature." |
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The people at
Google obviously know a lot of site builders want to rank high in Google.
They know that a lot of people claim to have tricks and tips about how
to rank high in Google so dispell some myths and provide some basic common
sense help, Google has put a page on their site to help people understand
what Google does in order to rank a page for listing.
![]() Google
Update March
Knowing that a lot of site builders want to rank high in Google, has resulted in Google creating products and services to facilitate this.
Hello Prof. Richardson, Last
night in CCT 322 you mentioned how analytics tools for monitoring website
traffic, and visitor trends, could prove to be a great asset when trying
to optimize your search engine results. Normally such services come at
an additional cost from either your hosting service or could be purchased
as software. However, about a year ago [in 2005] Google acquired California
based Web Analytics and made its services free for general
Cheers, Igor M. |
Removing your URL |
preceeding material on this page deals with doing things to cause Google
and other Search Engines to find, and rank your pages higher.
What if you want a page taken out? Using
Gordon said
From the video, he showed different methods of removing your URL from Google (and other search engine) aside from "nofollow" – which he explained in detail and also show a flaw in it. There are others he recommended more over "nofollow"! Hope this interests you!""
There are lots of people
that give advice about ranking in Search Engines - some entice you to look
at some simple common sense free info, and others encourage you to subscribe
to a service.
"Expert" advice on improving your ranking |
Here is an example of three good tips that Dr. Nunley provides 1. "Don't waste time trying to get on Yahoo," says Jerry West, search engine expert with NetGateway. "Instead, submit your site to" Both use the Inktomi database. A listing on HotBot virtually guarantees a showing on Yahoo. 2. Recently AltaVista surged in user popularity. It ranks as one of the best places to have your site listed. Alta Vista rotates visitors through four databases. If you don't see your site listed, try again in 15 minutes when the next database will be on display. Register with Alta Vista weekly to get your site listed in all four databases. 3. You will also want to
submit your web address to Excite, perennially one of the most used engines.
Like HotBot and Alta Vista, Excite spiders through your site in a matter
of seconds. Your listing can show up within a few days.
advice on improving your ranking
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As quoted form Dr. Nunley's site above - ""Don't waste time trying to get on Yahoo," says Jerry West, search engine expert with NetGateway. "Instead, submit your site to" Both use the Inktomi database. A listing on HotBot virtually guarantees a showing on Yahoo." If you ignore this advice from West and still want to directly interact with Yahoo to improve your ranking Yahoo allows you to submit a site for free, though they entice you with an option to pay a fee which might ensure a higher ranking. |
advice on improving your ranking
As quoted form Dr. Nunley's site above - "Recently AltaVista surged in user popularity. It ranks as one of the best places to have your site listed. Alta Vista rotates visitors through four databases. If you don't see your site listed, try again in 15 minutes when the next database will be on display. Register with Alta Vista weekly to get your site listed in all four databases" The author of has found that in some cases Alta Vista served to provide a more true ranking of "value sites" compared to Yahoo which was clogged with commercial URLs. example, in searching using
the words "e-commerce professor", we found that Tim Richardson's site
ranked 9th on the first page in Alta Vista and 10th on the first page in
Yahoo in 4th week of July 2003
advice on improving your ranking
With a "Basic
Submit", you can "...Add or remove up to 5 URLs at a time from the AltaVista
global database. URLs will generally be evaluated within four to six weeks
of submission. Basic Submit is a free service."
Click on this screen capture to see how it works for AltaVista ![]() |
Aside from talking
about how search engines rank sites, and the best ways to find information
using them, we should also take some time to mention that some search engines
can NOT be relied upon to honestly offer up the information based on an
order or rank as you might presume.
That is to say the underlying principle of how search engines list the "returns" they show you after a search has been conducted, is that these returns will be based on
Engine integrity Search
Kamen questions "...Is an Internet search engine more like a grocery store or a library? While search engines provide access to vast amounts of information, they are much more like grocery stores than libraries. Both grocery stores and search engines offer suppliers a chance to reach you, the potential customer. Both offer valuable "real estate" that suppliers pay for. Both provide the public with a service. But it's not a public service. Consumers need to be aware of the difference. In the grocery store, suppliers pay more to have their product on certain shelves. It's no accident that you find some products with 25 "product faces" at eye level but you have to look hard for even a few "product faces" of something else on the bottom shelf. Search engines also offer suppliers of goods, services and information an opportunity to connect with the public. With millions of people surfing the Net at any given moment, every business with a Web site wants you to look at their site. And, like getting on the right shelf in the grocery store, they all want to be listed in the place you are most likely to see them: the first page of search results relevant to their area of business."So, the inherent temptation is that the companies building the search engines will take money from people who want to be listed higher for key word searches - such as "used cars". "apartments rent", "discount airfare", etc. Ranking higher in a search engine can mean a substantial benefit for some companies in a competitive marketplace Kamen adds "What many consumers aren't aware of, however, is that what appear to be unbiased search results may in fact be paid-for listings. Each search engine has its own way of describing paid-for links. And consumers often can't tell the difference. |
Sites to Submit URLs to Search
applies toChapter
4, page 134-135
![]() | | Includes a long list of
other search engine sites you can submit to
+ information on what NOT TO DO /spamming.htm |
. | http://www.selfpro |
A quirky site run by a single person (Robert Woodhead) that offers good advice, as well as listing you with all other search engines. |
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http://www.altavistacanada | Includes design suggestions to make your web site perfect before submitting |
![]() | | This site caters to academics wishing to list their course pages and teachers wanting to post their homepages |
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original part
one, at
or copy at . original part two at or copy at |
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ECT article was picked up by other websites and the story carried on sites
part one at part two at |
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addition to, the ECT article was carried on
part one at part two at |
![]() |
addition to, &, the article was
also on Wonk
/ Wonk's site also has reader comments about articles |
![]() |
/recommend_it.cgi?ID=5327 |
![]() |
When "10 things to increase..." was published in a longer, two part series, in, it proved to be very popular and it was ranked as the # 1 read during the 2nd week in December 2003, as indicated by the screen capture to the left. |
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