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Presentations andWeb Based TrainingBCS 312 |
Prof. Tim Richardson During the Sept - Dec 2001term |
Detailed Outline October 2001
September |
October |
November |
December |
ONE for
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ONE Prof.
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This will allow you to use software on the Seneca server, from your
CITRIX This will allow you to use software on the Seneca server, from your house |
![]() "Before you can start to use Citrix you MUST install the 'Client' click on the graphic at right top of the screen, and download the application into 'My Documents' . When it is download, disconnect from the internet, and install the program. After the program is installed then reconnect to Seneca, go to the Citrix site, complete your user name, password, and when you are taken to the screen showing the applications, select whatever you wish to work on. 'Citrix' will create a temporary drive called 'H', don't let this confuse you. When you have finished your work or as you are proceeding with your work save it on your hard drive C: and in a folder that you can find. As you are prototyping this for the college, please keep notes on your experience..." Prof. Michael O'Neill
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Before the break
week, you need to know this
For the final seven weeks of the course YOU will be responsible for
conducting 'training'
presentations to groups of trainees.
Each group will consist of two (2) members
Each group is responsible for the following:
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To determine the members in your group.
Let your professor know the group members Tell the professor in class October 15th or Oct 18th (the week before the break) Make sure your name, and group member, and link is on www.witiger.com/senecacollege/BCS312/BCS312pages.htm and in the tabled list www.witiger.com/ecommerce/outlineBCS312c.htm |
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To select a suitable training topic. It must be computer/business
related. Here is a listing of possible topics.
http://www.mhoneill.com/proj/topics.htm You may suggest any other topic but it must meet the criteria. Topics will be given on a first come basis and cannot be duplicated in any class. |
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To complete a report prior to the 'training session' that will include a needs analysis, overview of the 'training topic', learning outcomes, a budget and one piece of promotional material. |
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To develop a suitable multimedia slideshow that will be used to enhance the training session. The slide show must be completed in MS Powerpoint. |
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To conduct the training session at the specified time,
with equal participation from all group members. Your training session
MUST contain a hands on training component or specific examples of how
specific tasks are accomlished.
- purpose is so that you will understand a real-life scenario of how "enhanced" powerpoint is used in training |
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To ensure that all necessary equipment, props, software, etc. is available for your 'training session'. |
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To have an evaluation form available for completion
by five trainees.
- means you make up an evaluation form which could be filled out by 5 fellow students in the classroom |
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To convert the report and the slideshow into an e-docment using Adobe Acrobate and having it linked from your web page. Assign proper security to the PDF file. |
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To prepare a streaming media file that will contain your slide presentation complete with audio or you may select to do a streaming media on a 'how to' segment of your training topic. The streaming media must be linked from your web page. |
Oct 22 - 29 is
break week for Seneca, 2001 fall term
Presentations |
Most of the screen captures on this page come from the web site of Prof. Michael O'Neill, who teaches 3 of the 4 sections of BCS 312.