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Presentations and

Web Based Training

BCS 312

Seneca College, Newnham Campus, Toronto, Canada
For the sections taught by
Prof. Tim Richardson   During the 
Sept - Dec 2001term

Detailed Outline                    September 2001

Prof. Michael O'Neill is the originator of BCS 312. 

Prof. O'Neill has an extensive website
with all of the course information and requirements on it -which we will use to progress through the material and assignments.

Before we begin, you should review this article - it justifies the importance of what we will be doing the next 3 1/2 months. 

"We remember: 
10% of what we read 
20% of what we hear 
30% of what we see 
50% of what we both see and hear"

. When we use the computers in the lab, most of the programs we need will be installed - if you are working from home, here are some of the programs you will need - if you do not have them installed on your PC.
. What we are going to do the first week.
Class 2
Sept 10th, Monday
in class today we will make sure everybody has done the powerpoint exercise to confirm your ability to know most of the major functions of .ppt. You will download the .ppt as indicated above, make the changes, then show the professor on your monitor. In class Sept 10th, we also looked at this powerpoint and discussed some of the weakness of how the words were arranged, and how the animation could have been improved.
Class 3
Sept 13th, Thursday
in class today we will do the work as sent out to you in the email Monday night, that is to say
"we are going to turn a powerpoint slide show into a video file and then convert it into streaming media.

What you need to do for Tasks Week 2
1. get the file
2. get the software to make the conversions
3. have the software to view the conversions
4. do the conversions
5. upload it to your site
6. provide links so the prof can see it

You can download the 'phone technique' presentation (this is the one you messed around with in class on Monday and noted in the screen capture above) or create your own 5 slide presentation.

You will be required to buy a cheap little microphone so you can use it in class. For some of you that have not yet bought microphones, you can still add sound by getting any sound file off the net that you might already have in .midi or .wav format and use that.
For this assignment to work , you must first have Real Producer on your PC, you can download this from Prof. O'Neill's site (seen in the screen capture below). If you are doing this at home, you might want to download it and leave it on your PC so you could use it later.
Some students who convert the powerpoint presentation into Real Player, may have trouble viewing this in Netscape, so make sure you try it in I.E. first.
For this assignment to work , you also have to Windows Media Encoder in order to be able to convert the files from Real Player into other formats such as Windows Media Player - again, you can download this from Prof. O'Neill's site (seen in the screen below)
 If you are doing this at school, the software Real Producer and Windows Media Encoder is already loaded on the PCs in the lab 4154B.
The path to find where this is located is seen in the screen capture to the left.

If you watch the videos on Prof. O'Neill's site,(noted above) they will give you the step by step instructions as to what you need to know for this process. If you watch these videos in the labs at Seneca, you'll need headphones in order to be able to hear the content. If you watch them at home, turn your speakers on.

class Monday Sept 17th

review editors for making web pages
- Netscape composer
- HoTMetaL 5.0 This week you will start creating your web site. You may use Dreamweaver, Netscape Composer, or HoTMetaL.

On Prof. O'Neill's page you can download Dreamweaver, if you wish to use that. Netscape composer is free - it is part of Netscape the browser. HoTMetaL is loaded on the lab in room 4154B

Also, for this week 3
Sept 17 - Sept 21, you will be obliged to give me a one page outline of the presentation that you will be
 creating for conversion in HTML and into streaming media. The outline must include the following and you must have it for our class during the week of September 24th or sooner.


Also, for this week 3
Sept 17 - Sept 21, you will be obliged to give me a one page outline of the presentation that you will be
 creating for conversion in HTML and into streaming media. The outline must include the following and you must have it for our class during the week of September 24th or sooner. Type these points on paper and hand it in in class.
What the outline must include
  • The topic of the presentation
  • The business sector (mining, clothing, fast food)
  • Why you selected this topic
  • The message you are going to convey
  • The intended audience
  • There must be at least eight slides in this presentation
. To make it easier for us to see the basic outline, you should use a template.

if you don't like the images on the template, change them !

The basics are 

  • "Title" of the company
  • e-media
  • presentation - which you will build and put here later
  • streaming - which you will build
  • about me - decription of group members
On this webpage, you will have links to the rest of the things we build for the course.
Also, for this week 3 Sept 17 - Sept 21, 
Under the heading of "resources" on Prof. O'Neill's site is a sub-heading "quick links".
Got to quick links and you'll see a menu including the item
"professional images"

These "professional images" come from the website of
It is helpful to know the sites of large picture galleries such as this to assist you in adding imagery to a site.


To find images from a group of a large number, use Softquad's "Image Explorer", which is loaded in Lab 5145B

You can also find kewl images at

Sizing and cropping images can be done with software loaded in the labs.
Week 3
Sept 17 - Sept 21, we will discuss the usefulness of having your web pages, which you make for school work in BCS 312, BCS 500, MGS 523 etc. on your own web site.
  • Why you would want your own web site
  • Do you want to get your own domain name
  • Registering your domain name
  • Hosting options
Week 4
Sept 24 - Sept 28, 
we will discuss the elements of Project One

Presentation 10%
Media Streaming 15%
convert to HTML 8%
FTP, upload, folders 7%
Presentation outline
(hand in on a piece of paper)
3% Sept 27
(hand in on diskette)
7% Oct 1
convert to HTML 8%
(upload to site)
8% Oct 4
Media Streaming 15%
(upload to site)
15% Oct 19
FTP, upload, folders etc. 7% Oct 29