
updated 2001 Nov 17
"List of lists" is compiled by Prof. Tim
Richardson of www.witiger.com
Toronto, Canada
for the benefit of e-commerce and internet
marketing students at
Seneca College |
University of Toronto |
Queen's University |
Centennial College |
Cambrian College |
"Things you have to be convincing about"
list of 14 things you have to be convincing
about in order to have somebody buy a product from your web site
by Tim Richardson, compiled from discussions
with university and college students in Richardson's e-commerce classes
Do's and Don'ts
by Tim Richardson, compiled from discussions
with university and college students in Richardson's e-commerce classes
"The 10 deadly sins for small businesses
"10 common mistakes many companies have
made, but that you can avoid".
by Deborah Whitman, directed marketing
for Microsoft bCentral and Quicken.
"The 10 Secrets of Selling Online"
by Paul Graham
"Ten Commandments of Website Success"
listed on www.profitguide.com in November
2000, from Profit magazine "The Magazine for Canadian Entrepreneurs"
the list is based on a study conducted
by Deloitte & Touche and Retail Council of Canada
The study is based on questions asked
of 2,500 Canadian online shoppers
"The 8 Myths of online business"
By K.K. Campbell
listed on www.profitguide.com in November
2000, from Profit magazine "The Magazine for Canadian Entrepreneurs"
"Ten tips to help you jump-start your Web store "
by Ron Zemke and Tom Connellan
covers very practical aspects related to shipping, refunds, appearance
of the site
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