E-Commerce, E-Business and Internet Marketing Textbooks

used by Prof. W. Tim G. Richardson for e-business and internet marketing courses taught in Canada 
at Seneca College, Cambrian College, Centennial College and University of Toronto

Don Tapscott's books relevant to e-commerce and internet business courses

Don Tapscott's biography      www.nplc.com/dont.html#bio

web site
Don Tapscott's latest book Digital Capital, co-authored with David Ticoll and Alex Lowy came out in the summer of 2000 and was widely read by many in North America. Although we will not use specific chapters from this book in our IEC courses - since it is written not in text style but for managers - we still recommend acquiring it because many senior managers have read it and you should know what Tapscott is evangelizing, whether you agree or disagree with his thesis. Tapscott is a proud Canadian and one of the few "Internet Canucks" known well in the U.S.

ISBN 1-57851-193-3
250 pages, hard cover

Don Tapscott's 1995 book, The Digital Economy, is widely read and highly recommended. Tapscott has a web site under the name Alliance for Converging technologies at www.actnet.com/

320 pages, soft cover

This is another book from Don Tapscott Blueprint to the Digital Economy. Some participants already went through this book for another course in the IEC programme in 1998.

400 pages, hard cover

direct link to the web site for this book Yet another Don Tapscott book which is also new and specifically deals with the growth of the Internet and its effect on young people. It is excellently written and has a helpful web site that has many ongoing discussions and useful links. Click on the book pic. 

300 pages, hard cover


Prof. Richardson owns one or more copies of each one of the books listed above and has read chapters from each and every book. The purpose of this list is to share information with fellow professors, as well as providing a resource for students. The opinions expressed herein are those of Tim Richardson. The selection of these books does not necessarily imply official endorsement by Seneca College, Cambrian College, Centennial College or the University of Toronto.