E-Commerce, E-Business and Internet Marketing Textbooks

used by Prof. W. Tim G. Richardson for e-business and internet marketing courses taught in Canada 
at Seneca College, Cambrian College, Centennial College and University of Toronto
last update      2001 May 08
books by the team of Kalakota and Whinston


 IEC 702 / IEC 902 in 2000. 
Electronic Commerce: A Manager's Guide
This is was main textbook for the IEC 702 course in 1999. Some chapters will also be used in IEC 702 / IEC 902 in 2000. 
This text was widely used by e-comm courses throughout North America, however it is dated 1997 and has been superseded by some newer books which have the advantage of being more contemporary. Nevertheless, it remains a useful book and the chapter headings identify all the key topics one would want to discuss for e-business managers and professionals. 
Authors: Ravi Kalakota and Andrew Whinston
410 pages, soft cover

 IEC 702 Sept 2000 term.
+ IEC 902
Ravi Kalakota's latest book , e-Business: Roadmap for Success co-authored with Marcia Robinson. This book, dated in 1999, has some good sections on strategy and management issues
some sections from this were used in IEC 902 and IEC 802 in 1999 Some chapters will be referred to in the IEC 702 Sept 2000 term.
360 pages, soft cover
Frontiers of Electronic Commerce was published in 1996 and Authored by Ravi Kalakota and Andrew Whinston. It was one of the first books on e-commerce and laid out the fundamentals of what we see practised today.
800 pages, soft cover
The Economics of Electronic Commerce was published in 1997 and co-Authored by Andrew Whinston. A lot of work went into writing this book and it is well put together but unfortunately it is very outdated.Several online booksellers no longer stock it. table of contents
600 pages, hard cover

Prof. Richardson owns one or more copies of each one of the books listed above and has read chapters from each and every book. The purpose of this list is to share information with fellow professors, as well as providing a resource for students. The opinions expressed herein are those of Tim Richardson. The selection of these books does not necessarily imply official endorsement by Seneca College, Cambrian College, Centennial College or the University of Toronto.