see The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) - a privately held, not-for-profit trade association. |
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This web page has audio clips - just click on the icon (like the one to the left) and you can hear Prof. Richardson's voice adding additional information to topics on the page. | ![]() |
turn on your speakers to hear audio clips |
. | This page
used in the following courses taught by Prof. Richardson
This page deals with o
Bluetooth, 2.5G and 3G
After completing
reading this unit, and listening to the lecture in class, student will
have information about:
o What
is Bluetooth?
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What is Bluetooth
Bluetooth enabled devices,
such as handhelds, will allow wider range access to the internet. The reason
for mentioning this now is that future applications will greatly increase
the number of people accessing the internet from various mobile devices.
Even more people accessing the Internet means more potential customers
for B2C situations.
"The idea behind Bluetooth
is to avoid the inconvenience of cables by enabling devices such as mobile
phones, PCs, printers and handheld computers to communicate with one another
over short distances using low-power radio signals to transmit data"
is Bluetooth?
Definition |
"In more detail: Bluetooth is the name given to a new technology using short-range radio links, intended to replace the cable(s) connecting portable and/or fixed electronic devices. It is envisaged that it will allow for the replacement of the many propriety cables that connect one device to another with one universal radio link. Its key features are robustness, low complexity, low power and low cost." from |
"Bluetooth wireless technology
is a worldwide specification for a small-form
factor, low-cost radio solution that provides links between mobile computers,
mobile phones, other portable handheld devices, and connectivity to the
Internet. The specification is developed, published and promoted
by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG)."
from "When Bluetooth wireless
technology connects devices to each other, they become "paired." Device
pairings are constantly evolving, simplifying familiar tasks and developing
new possibilities. Your wireless headset connects to the mobile phone in
your briefcase. Your handheld automatically synchronizes with your personal
computer when you walk in the office. Your mobile phone, handheld, and
personal computer all share the same address book, schedule, and to-do
Bluetooth: What It Is, What It Does |
(Nov 2006 - link no longer active, but the main points listed below) |
What It Is, What It Does
University of Toronto student
Arifa S. at UTM in March 2008 created a summary of what BlueTooth does
from a website at (link still works in 2013) Arifa explains
What It Is, What It Does
2008 |
1. Bluetooth Object Push Profile enables a Bluetooth device to push any object e.g. wallpaper, ringtone, movie clip, phonebook, calendar, messages, and notes to another Bluetooth device. |
What It Is, What It Does
2008 |
2. Bluetooth Headset Profile specifies how a Bluetooth headset can be used as a microphone and speaker device by another Bluetooth device such as a computer or a cell phone (E.g. wireless headset) |
What It Is, What It Does
2008 |
3. Bluetooth File Transfer Profile allows for a Bluetooth-enabled device to upload and download files and perform file operations (e.g. browse, open, cut, copy, paste, and delete files) on another Bluetooth device. |
What It Is, What It Does
2008 |
4. Bluetooth Synchronization Profile enables the synchronization of Personal Information Management data (i.e. phonebook, calendar, messages, and notes etc.) between two Bluetooth devices. In the figure left, a PDA synchronizes its PIM data with a notebook via Bluetooth. |
What It Is, What It Does
2008 |
5. Bluetooth Audio Gateway Profile allows a microphone and speakers of a Bluetooth device which is typically a computer, to be used as an audio input and output device for another Bluetooth device, such as a cell phone. In other words, it allows you to make or receive a call using your cell phone while working on your computer.. |
F.A.Q. |
"I was searching for the mobile applications of Bluetooth technology and I came across a very useful site. It has a frequently asked questions section that summarized more or less, everything you need to know about Bluetooth technology and how it is used in mobile devices. It also has a section on the technology of Bluetooth as well as a section on the industry and market of the technology." full story at
can I do with Bluetooth wireless
-capable products? ![]()
![]() What can I do with Bluetooth wireless-capable products? "While the possibilities are nearly endless for the applications of the technology, some of the current capabilities include:
can I do with Bluetooth wireless
-capable products? ![]() |
what kinds of products can I expect to find Bluetooth wireless technology?
"Bluetooth wireless technology
is unique in its breadth of applications.
Links can be established between groups of products simultaneously or between
individual products and the Internet. This flexibility, combined with strict
interoperability requirements, has led to support for Bluetooth wireless
technology from a wide range of market segments, including software developers,
silicon vendors, peripheral and camera manufacturers, mobile PC manufacturers
and handheld device developers, consumer electronics manufacturers, car
manufacturers, and test and measurement equipment manufacturers. "
I do with Bluetooth wireless- capable products?
"Not only does Bluetooth technology enable users to control their systems wirelessly, but it also gives them the ability to communicate with other players online via Bluetooth headsets and keyboards. But how do these video game systems connect to the internet you may ask? The
answer is wirelessly, through Wi-Fi technolgy (which also happens to
be covered in this section).
I do with Bluetooth wireless- capable products?
"CBS is going to start using Bluetooth to promote their new shows. Advertisements in New York will invite people with Bluetooth enabled phones to connect with the ad where they can then download clips and share them with others." full story at journalist Kevin Regan says in the Aug 2006 story that "CBS said it was the first known use of the technology by a TV network." Basically, what will happen is that CBS will use Bluetooth technology to beam clips of the new shows from billboards to the mobile devices of passersby. Regan explains "Once they download and view them, users can either save the clips to view again or send them to friends. Users must be within about 36 feet of the billboards for the downloads to work" Regan says one of the kewl things about this technology is by "using Bluetooth, users can download the content without accessing their carrier's networks, meaning the content is truly free by not requiring the use of airtime." |
applications in smaller devices |
"This article talks about how Nokia has invented Wibre wireless technology to manage smaller devices such as toys, watches It uses the same kind of technique as Bluetooth. So we can see, Bluetooth is not only used for communication, getting on the internet and file transfer but is used for many more things. Nokia plans to use this technology in wristwatches and sport accessories. However, Nokia is not the only with these kind of developments, also Fossil introduced the use of Bluetooth to display caller ID from cell phones to timepieces or wristwatch. So right now when the cell is on discreet mode the way it vibrates to alert the user the same will be implied to wrist watches. With all these developments we can see how Bluetooth is developing and becoming useful in our daily lives. Bluetooth like some other major technology development will be known as technology evolution." full story at
I do with Bluetooth wireless- capable products?
"Bluetooth links cellphone and car wirelessly: Telecommunication technology works with more vehicle models; Makes it easier to handle calls and update computer files" Yap suggested..
Yap, who is an automotive journalist writes "As the number of available Bluetooth devices increases, the range of things you're able to do on them — and will be able to do in your car — will increase as well. At the present time [2004], Bluetooth is an emerging standard, but it's one that's rapidly gaining widespread acceptance. Most of Canada's major cellular carriers now offer Bluetooth-enabled handsets, and Bell Mobility, the country's largest carrier, will have the most-advanced model, the Motorola V715, available in late November. Most of the newer handsets being introduced these days are equipped with Bluetooth, as are many personal digital assistants such as palmOne's Tungsten T-series models and some models of the RIM BlackBerry. Other devices are sure to follow and will simply increase the range of things you will be able do in your car." |
Cracks appear in Bluetooth security |
The info came from COMPUTERWORLD
News Story by John Blau
Cracks appear in Bluetooth security |
"I found this interesting website that describe different ways on how people can hack someone's Bluetooth. It also lists which cell phones are vulnerable to these type of attacks". quoting Adam Laurie of A.L. Digital Ltd. |
. | Three vulnerabilities
have been found:
"Firstly, confidential
data can be obtained, anonymously, and without the owner's knowledge
or consent, from some bluetooth enabled mobile phones. This data includes,
at least, the entire phonebook and calendar, and the phone's IMEI."
"Secondly, it has been found
that the complete memory contents of some mobile phones can be
accessed by a previously trusted ("paired") device that has since been
removed from the trusted list. This data includes not only the phonebook
and calendar, but media files such as pictures and text messages. In essence,
the entire device can be "backed up" to an attacker's own system. "
"Thirdly, access can be gained to the AT command set of the device, giving full access to the higher level commands and channels, such as data, voice and messaging. This third vulnerability was identified by Martin Herfurt, and they have since started working together on finding additional possible exploits resulting from this vulnerability." read
"exposure" as a result of bluetooth security vulnerabilities |
the Jamaican
school principal is quoted as having said
"Is a eedyat ting di yout do today - her mother bus her ass when she fin out" This story is interesting for several reasons 1. it shows that people are using advanced technology communications devices for all kinds of purposes, not just in North America - but all over the world - this is important to keep in mind because sometimes we think the coolest technologies are only being used and applied in Canada and the U.S.2. it raises the question of privacy issues between close friends - you have to be very careful in dealing with close friends because there is so much "personal technology" that can be used to record your image and voice and that technology could be used against you if the relationship goes bad3. it suggests that private information can be very public information through new technologies allowing posting to the Internet - instead of just suffering the embarassment of immediate friends knowing, it is possible that thousands and thousands of people could hear and see your private actions, example, websites related to "former" |
Future technology Java ! |
This screen capture notes
a story about how the future of wireless communication relies on Java programming
![]() This story comes from a speech given by Mike Lazaridis, president and co-chief executive officer of Research in Motion at the COMDEX in Toronto in early July 2001 |
From Lazaridis speech, as
quoted in The Globe and Mail, Mr. Lazaridis said, "... the
much-touted third-generation (3G) of wireless devices is closer
than we think. Technology called 2.5G already delivers everything we want
— including e-mail, short messaging services, voice communication
and location management — with the exception of full-motion video.
These services — e-mail, voice, SMS and paging — are already available,
and most people just need to be made aware of their presence, he said.
"The key is people start using [the technology] and don't even notice it,"
he said. "It's the ultimate passive experience." RIM is also
betting that a new version of Java for mobile devices, called
Java 2 micro edition (J2ME), will be what powers all wireless devices of
the future, he said. "
Lazaridis added "We must
move to one universal, powerful, open standard,... benefits of J2ME are
the reduced cost of setting it up, the wide capabilities of the programming
language, the ability to store data locally, its security features and
its ability to be upgraded from a remote position."
Lazaridis remarks
hint at a direction which is focused on the product and not on the market.
In classical marketing theory we have three directions
Sales Orientation - which was popular in North America in the 1960's and 1970's, focuses on selling something using a tidal wave of advertising and simply counting on promotion to get people to buy it - whether they need it or not Marketing Orientation - is a more "mature" focus and is a sincere attempt to look first at what people want - do some research, then make it and sell it. Lazaridis remarks hint that RIM and other companies involved in mobile technology have a "Product Orientation" WTGR |
Technology 2.5G
As Andy Walker
"The wireless phone industry is moving toward a next-generation wireless technology known as 3G, which will allow wireless data connection speeds of up to 2 megabits per second (mbps) by the end of 2002 ... In the mid-term, a technology called 2.5G will be rolled out which will enable speeds of 144 kbps" |
Technology "Bluetooth" |
An industry consortium developing technology specifications for small form factor, low-cost, short range radio links between mobile PCs, mobile phones and other portable devices. "The Bluetooth communications device is a small, low-powered radio in a chip that will "talk" to other Bluetooth-enabled products, eliminating the need for cables or infrared beams to connect portable computers, cellular phones, printers, fax machines, etc. It will be possible to connect enabled devices on a one-to-one or one-to-many basis. |
T | Since the chip
supports both voice and data communications, applications will range from
something as simple as replacing the cable between a mobile computer and
cellular phone, to more complex connections involving multiple computers,
and extending into hands-free voice communications for wireless phones
in vehicles."
Andrew Seybold
Technology Bluetooth versus WI-FI |
"Bluetooth only extends
about 10 metres and is also 10 times slower than the 802.11b standard [Wi-Fi]
that has emerged as the dominant player in wireless local area networking.
Also known by the less geeky name of Wi-Fi, the 802.11b standard is fast
becoming a hot information technology tool."
says May Wong in an Associated Press article carried 2004 Jan 14th in The National Post "Bluetooth, which uses the same 2.4-gigahertz radio spectrum as Wi-Fi but has 10 times less range, is designed to carry smaller pieces of data using less power." "Various companies are now making Wi-Fi devices cheaper and more energy-efficient to try to match the advantages Bluetooth currently has over Wi-Fi. Yet with more than 2,500 companies now supporting the Bluetooth standard, analysts predict there will be hundreds of millions of Bluetooth-enabled devices by 2005." |
Technology Bluetooth versus WI-FI 2012 |
Connectivity in the Field
– Bluetooth or WiFi?
by Calder Justice
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"Wi-Fi still has some issues. A big one is security. Compared with wired networks, it can be pretty easy to tap into someone else's wireless network. Some corporate wireless networks, if not layered with extra security, are so porous, "people can drive into their parking lots and get onto their networks," says Ken Caruso, a member of a user group called Seattle Wireless. Grimm, of WECA, says that newer versions of Wi-Fi out next year will solve some, though not all the security issues. Another problem: There still isn't a Wi-Fi standard, so some of today's products might not work with others bought a year from now. That's expected to be ironed out soon, through action led by WECA and its 125 member firms. Clearly, the industry is still in its infancy. A major Wi-Fi conference, 802.11 Planet, was held in Silicon Valley in November [2001]. Barely more than a dozen companies showed up. Several were start-ups that as yet had no customers." |
Wireless Internet Access
CDMA - Cide Division Multiple
GSM - Global System for Mobile
Question of Standard Accessibility
WML - Wireless Markup Language is the scripting language used to create Web content to be delivered to wireless handlehld devices. WML is based on XML. for special info on XML -
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