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In class we might have time
to watch a video which was a biography of Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos.
The purpose of the video was
Toys R Us
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![]() Let's look at what the irreverent people at the Motley Fool.com site have to say about the future directions of Bezos and Amazon.com http://www.fool.com/news/2000/amzn001009.htm In an October 2000 article
on Fool.com, staff writers suggested
"Amazon.com was criticized last week [Oct 2000] for over-expanding its product offerings. Today, Amazon's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos answered the charges, and said his company intends to expand into many more product categories." "In an interview with Reuters, [Oct 2000] Amazon's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos said: "We will continue to do deals like the photo deal and we'll also continue to enter new product categories." "This model works," continued Bezos. "Selection is an advantage, not a disadvantage." He went on the say that he was sure his company would be profitable eventually, but wouldn't disclose when that might actually occur." Brian Lund, Co-manager
of the Rule Breaker Portfolio
Commins, Rule Breaker Portfolio Writer
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"The Amazon Question: Will
Investors Trade Growth for Profits?"
"News that Amazon.com is slashing 1,300 jobs continued to rattle the e-commerce world Wednesday, as analysts said reduced sales forecasts from the bellweather company are a signal that the era of spectacular growth may have ended for the e-tail sector. Amazon chief executive officer Jeff Bezos and other executives blamed a cooling U.S. economy for the slowing sales. However, analysts said the more likely culprit is the company's core business in books, music and videos, which has matured to a point where earlier growth rates are no longer possible." |
When you become a celebrity,
whether it be in government, sports, entertainment or business [and Jeff
Bezos has definitely become a celebrity] people will want to stick in their
"two cents worth" and give you unsolicited advice.
Read the humorous, and inciteful
article by Sean Carton
"Hello! Earth to Bezos! What the hell are you doing? You've built a great company based on the premise that stellar service, a great brand experience, and judicious application of your users' information can make an incredible site that millions of us can't do without. In a world where commodity-based dot-coms die out faster than gnats around a bug-light, you've figured out how to stand out from the crowd, sell kajillions of books, and inspire customer loyalty just this side of fanaticism. And you did it all by creating a system that gathers some basic preference information from us, puts it together with information about our basic shopping habits, and then combines it with the behavior of all other users in order to help us loyal customers find new products that consistently delight and inform us. You've even taken the rarely heard customer's voice and incorporated it into the site, allowing customers to see what other people like and don't like in order to make better buying decisions. The result? The dot-com poster-child that the rest of us mere mortals can only aspire to. And now you're throwing it all away." Carton's ponts are based
on the fact that Amazon.com made a point of collecting info from the customer
to allow them to to better satisfy customer interests during repeat visits
to the site - yet the good will created by that might be lost of Amazon
goes ahead and starts sharing that private profile info with othe Amazon.com
group member companies.
An interesting "unflattering" article about a speech Bezos gave. The writer mentions Amazon.com's patents. http://www.holtuncensored.com/members/column157.html "Amazon.com's two controversial
software patents - one of which he's used to sue his main competitor,
Barnesandnoble.com. Nor did he mention the latest patent, issued
only days ago for collaborative filtering, a method of sorting millions
of customer preferences electronically to help new customers choose
products and services.