10% Assignment 2 - Association profile
Task: Identify a Canadian industry/trade association that is involved in International Business. You will be marked partly on your choice of an appropriate association.
20% Term Project - Group project on a company
10% Class participation / attendance / quizzes
Attending class on a regular basis is
necessary to pass the course. The professor will regularly ask questions
in class based on the Chapters in the textbook and students are expected
to be able to answer the questions to "earn" class participation marks.
In addition, some short quizzes will be given on an infrequent basis. These
quizzes will ask questions based on the Chapter you are supposed to have
previously read in the text. If you are absent for the quizzes, there will
be NO "make-up" quizzes.
Assignments handed in late will have marks deducted - UNLESS prior arrangement made with the instructor