updated 2004 June 14

Proposal:  Independent Study in Education

W. Tim G. Richardson

Department of Graduate and Undergraduate
Studies in Education

Submitted in partial fulfillment of
the requirements of EDUC 5P98

Faculty of Education, Brock University
St. Catharines, Ontario

w Dr. Joe Engemann, a M.Ed. course of Brock University
- this is a personal web page of Tim Richardson, M.Ed. candidate
General Area Under Investigation

This is a study of the features and uses of  Web Based Hyper Linked Indexed Information Objects*, and other teaching techniques and tools used in Hybrid Teaching**, of marketing, e-commerce, business and international business courses taught by faculty at the college and university level.
The time period under consideration is 2001-2004.***
. * The termWeb Based Hyper Linked Indexed Information Objects was coined by Tim Richardson and used by him when he was a session speaker at the CADE (Canadian Association Distance Education) Conference held at York University May 2004 and the Conference held at Ryerson University in November 2003
** Hybrid Teaching refers to the practice of teaching "regular" attended classes while referring to material live on the Internet. The term can also be applied to lecturing about material which has been accessed online by the student before, or after, the class.
*** Faculty have been using variations of WBHLI Information Objects in 1998 and some began in 1999 and 2000 but, given the massive changes to internet use patterns beginning in 2001, and through 2002, this study will only have meaning to 2004 readers if the material is recent, therefore most of our conversation will be about circumstances in 2002, 2003 and early 2004.

Background and Rational for the Study

The topic of Tim Richardson's thesis is much effected by the circumstances of teaching and learning business and marketing subjects, using the internet 2002-2004. In order to develop an effective and current thesis in the context of a fast-paced teaching and learning environment (challenged by the economic environment, the regulatory environment and the technological environment) it is necessary for a candidate facing these "challenges" to have time to do highly topic specific research in order to ascertain more precisely the current use of WBHLI Information Objects, how they are being received by students (ie. do they work?), and future trends effecting Web Based teaching tools.

Major Purpose of the Course

The purpose of this Independent Study is to provide the candidate with resources and contacts to prepare for what is anticipated to be a challenging M.Ed. thesis. "Challenging" is used because,
1. the topic is very new  - less than 36 months old
2. there is no established taxonomy with which to describe some of the things under investigation
3. the trends in teaching and learning using the resources of the WWWeb are growing at a very fast pace and it is anticipated that when the thesis is concluded, it will prove to be very timely since it will add to understanding in one specific area of education at the post-secondary level.

Methodology Used

Richardson's preparation of 5P98 will be online and consist of material posted in a web page dedicated to 5P98. see  www.witiger.com/brock/5P98.htm .
The digital online format will serve two purposes:
   o By having a medium with which to communicate with Dr. Engemann. Dr. Engemann can simply go to  www.witiger.com/brock/5P98.htm at any time to see "progress-to-date" and as a consequence, advise accordingly by email or telephone
   o By having the content posted online, this allows several matters of inquiry to be "found" by other like minded researchers and facilitates sharing discoveries and inquiries with other people with whom Richardson is exchanging information about Web Based Hyper Linked Indexed Information Objects.

Basis for Evaluation
30% Assignment # 1, Literature Review; Web Based Information Objects as used in teaching
- existing articles in peer reviewed sources
- existing articles in web based and non web based sources
40% Assignment # 2, Preparation of a paper 
(potentially publishable in a peer reviewed journal) discussing current (2003 -- mid-2004) use of Information Objects (for teaching marketing, business, int'l business or e-commerce classes at the college or university level) - sample, faculty at Seneca College, Centennial College, University of Toronto
30% Assignment # 3, Evaluation Criteria
- research any existing "instruments" used by faculty who seek to obtain feedback from students about their use of hybrid teaching teaching techniques
- identify objective and subjective criteria for evaluating  WBHLI Information Objects


Resources Used

www.witiger.com is the largest web site of Hybrid courses in marketing, business, int'l business and e-commerce, of any faculty member teaching at college or university level in Canada.